Fred Dotter, Director European Projects and Policies

Fred Dotter has been working for Mobiel 21 since 2015 in aspects of mobility policy, mobility management and behaviour change. In 2020, he has been nominated as Director of European Projects and Policies. For more than 15 years,Fredhas been collaborating on several projects in the field of Sustainable Urban Mobility. Furthermore, he was involved in numerous international research and collaborative projects (co-)financed by the European Commission via Intelligent-Energy Europe, the EU’s Public Health Programme, the Road Safety Programme, the sixth and seventh FPRT, and Horizon 2020. 

Currently, Fred coordinates the Horizon 2020 project CIVITAS ELEVATE, the CIVITAS 2020 Coordination and Support Action. He is also involved in CIVITAS Handshake, which supports the effective take up of the integrated cycling solutions successfully developed by Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Munich (the so-called Cycling Capitals) and 10 highly committed Future Cycling Capitals, Bordeaux Metropole, Bruges, Cadiz, Dublin, Helsinki, Krakow, Greater Manchester, Riga, Rome and Turin (Future Cycling Capitals). Apart from that, he is also involved in CIVITAS FastTrack, which helps local authorities to achieve climate-resilience through innovative sustainable mobility solutions, addressing the challenges they face for more rapid delivery in knowledge, capacity, governance, data, evidence and funding.